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Webinar: Financial Modelling Standards

Jan 28, 2021 3:31:00 PM


In January 2021, Full Stack organised this debate on financial modelling standards with some of the leading experts from the industry.

Danielle Stein Fairhurst hosted the event, with Andrew Berkley from F1F9, Rickard Wärnelid from Mazars, and David Lyford-Smith from the ICAEW.

This was a fantastic webinar, with great insights shared by all of the experts involved.  

What you will no doubt notice is that there is a lot of alignment between all of the speakers, despite the fact they follow and have responsibility for different standards on the market.

Our position at Full Stack is very much aligned to the general consensus in this webinar; there is no single "right" way to approach your modelling, but it's very important that you do follow a set of rules.


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